Friday, February 27, 2009

text gone wrong

Post By:Lady A

I am hating text today.
I am hating my BB today.

anyone who knows me, knows I avoid saying the word HATE in any context.

Have you ever:

.....written a text,and instead of sending it to the person for whom it was intended for you sent it to the person you were thinking of/mentioning in the text?

I just did that. Now, Just to show that i do have things very private in my life, in the text i did not mention names, just a nickname-which re-reading makes this situation even worse. But my friends 1/2 the time do not know certain details, and know i am not willing to share them.

they also are cool enough to focus on :is Lady A happy? or is she upset?:

not to sweat the details.

somehow i am feeling like the boy in this situation and feel horrible. 

did i confuse you? good-i just confused myself.

Time is so not on my side. 

and p.s. kiddos-i have a date Sunday-if this is a bust (which how this TONY thing has been it may just be) i am done with it, for realz


  1. # 1 rule - Don't drink and text!!

    But in this case you weren't drinking but your mind was instinctively telling you to scroll down to you know who!

    A date Sunday? Are we still doing brunch lol? Send me details!

  2. Yeah. I'm still game for brunch.

    Hope this date goes better!


I see you ;)