Monday, June 22, 2009

Lady A & Lady N update

post by Lady A

Thanks Sir F, for checking in on us....

lets see, when you last left off with Lady A (moi)
I had given up on dating.

I still have given up. On Tony and just in general. Too many players and I hate the game(s)

:) nahhh. just focusing on my 'ish. gone out here and there. no real real dates. still would not mind have a summer steady thing.

as of late i have been smitten :) but nothing crazy,and nothing i can't share without speaking to Lady N first.

Lady N update: she is in her homeland. living it up. and she will be back really soon!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009


So, what's going on, guys? I know I gave up pretty hard! Ha!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Feliz Cumpleanos Lady M!!!

Have a great day lady!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Holy shit, I've been SO out of touch with the real world lately. Shit is bonkers and I about had a full on break down last week.
Needless to say, this has taken it's toll with the whole dating thing. It has crumbled right before my very eyes.

Maybe I should just appreciate the fact that I'm so busy lately. I do appreciate it. But then it just puts me back in the same place as before with relationships. I know I can find a balance one day.

Miss you guys!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Post By:Lady A

...Sir F, Lady N, and myself-Lady A

we have been slacking.

so here i ask a questions:its our homework for the week......

give me your best "WALK OF SHAME" story.

Lady M-thanks for keeping us afloat. i guess the rest of us have been sucking at dating.
i gave up.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wed Update

So after 20 phone calls, text messages, and voice mails and a 6am phone call I have decided NOT to hang out with punk karaoke dude again. He's a nice guy but 20 phone calls automatically elevated him to stalker status.

In other news, I was approached by a very attractive african american gentleman caller with LL Cool J lips on my way to work. He came out of his ford mustang, and said that he's been seeing me on my route to work since last week. I thought to myself, great another stalker? He told me he goes to Pace law school and that he was heading out to California today to compete on a mock trial competition. I told him that I studied law at Oxford one summer and almost took my lsats. So we share that common interest. He also said that he lives in the city center in white plains, which is a really expensive place to live in. I gave him my number and we're going to hang out once he comes back to New York next week. I hope he doesn't mind that I have tattoos since he doesn't seem like the type that would be into them. I was dressed conservatively today with a black skirt,heels, black shirt, and leather jacket. We'll see.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Haha, another EPIC night last night. Can't stress that enough. I decided to go to Rock and Roll Karaoke last night at Arlene's grocery where I met a cs friend. We ended up hanging out for a bit then we signed up for the karaoke list. He did U2 sunday bloody sunday and I put down Danzig's MOTHER! The hot announcer said that clearly everyone who wrote on the list was dyslexic..ahaha. SO my friend performed his song and ROCKED OUT! Haha, then it was my turn!!!. Holy hell I was nervous!!! Before I got on stage the hot announcer pointed to me and said " I can't wait to hear what you're doing baby" I shouted back I'm doing  motherfucking DANZIG! I got on stage after my friend and totally KICKED ASS! Seriously it was such a rush performing in front of all those people. I loved every minute of it. As soon as I got off stage I started rocking out and a mohawked punk rocker came up to me and started dancing with me. I thought he was cute, with his green mohawk and tattoos. We kept on rocking out and started making out in the crowd...classy! We left around 1ish and headed over to MARS BAR. It's an awesome punk dive bar with a KILLER jukebox. We got there and he introduced me to all of his friends. He's an older punk rocker although he does not look his age. He said he was 39! I swear I have a thing for older men haha. ANYWAY, he told me he does hair for a living and then he took out his scissors and started cutting my hair!! I told him I didn't want him to cut it short but he just made my ends even and fixed my bangs up a bit. He kept showing me off and said it was the best work that he's done in a while. He works at a UES salon so he works with a lot of prudes, no punk rock chicks. Then this photographer came up to us and wanted to take pictures of us. We started kissing and she took some pictures. They really came out great. Her name is Gabi Porter and she told me she has a flickr page.  After hanging at mars bar for a bit I told him I would give him a ride home since he lives by me in the Bronx. The dude totally fell asleep on me and I was stuck driving around lost the Bronx and 3am. So I took him to my house..haha and we slept on my couch in the basement :) I gave him a ride to his apt this morning and we were talking about music, and life in general. Turns out he was at the Casualties show on Sunday!!!!! I told him I went too and he said that he's friends with The Krays and The Casualties since he's been around the scene for a while. I told him that I'm going to a Punk festival in Boston during my birthday weekend and he said he would go with me. " I'm lookin for a girl to spoil" He just called me up to make sure I got home safe. We're hanging out this weekend for sure!

I see you ;)