Sunday, February 22, 2009

Date Planner: ARIES

Post By:Lady M

My birthday happens to fall on April Fools day which in turn makes me an Aries. The funny thing is, is that no one has ever played a prank on me these past 24 years. I'm hoping this year someone will! Anyway, according to the AstroTwins:

Aries are the zodiac's powerhouses, so asking them on a date can be an intimidating process to begin with. Don't let the tough or hard-to-read exterior fool you. Underneath beats the heart of a traditional--and rather sensitive--romantic who is a little afraid of getting his/her feelings hurt. Don't go overboard with the surprises. Aries is used to being in charge and will want to be a part of the planning process. They also like to put their best foot forward, and will want to dress properly for the occasion. Lady Aries may be a grrrl-power icon, but don't skip the chivalrous moves. Pick her up at her front door, bring her flowers and insist on paying for the first date. Tell her she deserves to be spoiled sometimes.

They pretty much nailed my dating persona to the tee. I do consider myself a feminist but I also enjoy it when a guy is chivalrous. What girl doesn't?


Take Aries to their favorite restaurants: these fussy eaters love to frequent their favorite joint- I'm not a fussy eater and I don't mind if it's just a grey's papaya hot dawg at 3am with a milkshake

Intellectual Aries love to learn so a lecture at a nearby university will stimulate a great discussion- Sometimes true but I'd rather check out a museum.

Aries can be party animals, so head to a club or house party. Just make sure you're always close at hand when Aries wants your attention. They despise being ignored! -Definitely true...anyone want to go to Santos Party House soon??

Action movies with fighting scenes can stimulate the warrior in Aries- More like horror films..chessy B horror movies films are always awesome. Or, anything with Bruce Campbell in it.

Many Aries are highly political, so check out a film or play about global issue Not that political. I voted for Obama and I listen Npr on a daily basis.

Poetry is an Aries favorite, so head to open mic night at a café and don't be surprised if your Aries steps up to the stage! I've been meaning to go to the nuyorican poets cafe...


  1. OMG thats crazy awesome!
    the Nuyorican poetry cafe is awesome i have been 2 times (maybe 3)

    i cant wait to celebrate your bday with you. i just invited myself.

    what is a Santos House Party?

  2. I too am an Aries. Or rather on the cusp of Aries/Taurus

  3. OMG dude Satos party house is so awesome. The last time I went there was to go check out Andrew W K! I have no idea what to plan for my b-day. I was thinking of renting out a room and doing some karaoke. Let me know if you have any other ideas!!!

    Mr. F.. check this out :

    Guy Aries love being treated too, so be careful. If you don't want to wind up babying a "kept man" don't be too quick to reach for your wallet. Be prepared to go Dutch or go somewhere affordable if you want him to treat. Let him show off his machismo in other ways: you'll still feel well taken care of if you don't get hung up on money. This sign loves one-on-one attention so start off with an intimate dinner where you can concentrate fully on your Ram. A home-cooked meal melts their hearts; but discuss the menu in advance as they can be fussy eaters.

  4. you two are dorks! but i love dorks so hey!

    ohh i will think of some ideas for your bday!


I see you ;)