Monday, February 23, 2009

I <3 Carbs

Post By: Lady A

A special thanks goes out to Mrs.Bee for gifting me the "I *heart carbs" pin back in 2006

this morning while on the R, i thanked the powers above that i am short and small and able to squeeze in a full train.

as i stepped out at the 59th st stop and rushed to the 6, someone grabbed onto my shoulder, i was ready to turn around and use my purse to beat them to a bloody pulp, when i noticed a cute suit holding onto my long opera length knit glove (gloves really hate me right now-what did i do to them!! ugh)
so convo:
Me: *takes off ear bud(the smiths blaring) "yes?"
Him:"Sorry didnt mean to scare you, here. " *hands over glove
Me:*fumbles "umm thanks"-turn to walk away
Him:excuse me! umm would you like to go out sometime, like for Italian, pasta?
Me: *confused look, "Umm sure" find pen/paper jot down number "why pasta?"
Him:I read your pin, I love carbs too!
Him: *points to neck scarf
Me: "haha i am sorry-i forgot i had that one on"
he walked me down towards paperlandia.
*le sigh he will be PastaBoy
ok never in all my years have i been approached like that! thanks for jumping ship GreenGlove!


  1. Wow! That's awesome! Good luck with Pasta Boy!

  2. takes off ear bud(the smiths blaring) - NICE

    That's an awesome pick up line. Sounds like he's a nice guy and a gentleman for walking you back to your place.


I see you ;)