Thursday, March 12, 2009

recession date

Post By:Lady A

so this guy asked me out, and we have a date friday. i will not nickname him. i have been thinking about one for him, but decided against it.

we both are broker than broke, so i suggested that after work he come over for dinner and board games/movie/blog session.

he is a blogger,i could so see us with our laptops out at dinner blogging while on the 2009.

i am trying to figure what a good date movie would be. i mean i know him, sorta, so i am not nervous, we laid our cards on the table, so we know neither of us is like wanting "till-death-do-us-part-babies" this very moment. i really have had such a bad week i want to just relax and laugh and not stress.

so question: what does one wear when the date is home turf?
anyone ever date sorta-friends? if so how did it go?


  1. schwing! A good date movie in my opinion would involve anything BUT chick flicks, cute little puppies, or anything with Julia Roberts in it. I'd go for a good ol foreign horror flick. Hell yeah, anything with lots of blood and gore! Haha, that's just me :) What to wear? Hummm something comfy but sesy, Then again I'm the wrong person to ask about dress since I'm usually half naked all the time. In my head it's 80 degrees outside 365 days a year. Sorta friends? Yes, yes I have. Turned out into an awesome makeout sesh where there could have been sex but that will have to wait till umm this summer! Haha aka friends with benefits. If it turns into a friends with benefits just don't get attached! Otherwise good luck :)

  2. Just be yourself and have fun. What you wear and what you watch won't matter since the person is there to see you and is interested in you.


I see you ;)