Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lady A's First Dates

Post By :Lady A

1)i went on a date recently where my dates car wouldn't start, he tried jumping the car, no deal. we walked back into the bar we had drinks (we were about to go to a movie) i went into the bathroom and when i came out he handed me a shot and said "my parents are on their way, my dad is a mechanic"

i took the shot, and had some more drinks, had to make small talk with his mom. btw i had been on a "detox" that lasted like a week. and we never got to the movie.

2)i once had a guy ask me out to dinner (i met him via his mom-my co-worker)  i met him at a coffee shop and paid for our coffees. he took me to a thai food place, yum, and he inhaled his food-gross. this kid did not come up for air! so dinner was silent. he took my leftovers-ugh. when the bill came- he said "you owe...", 

later when he asked me what music i liked-and i responded synthpop-he went on a rant about how he hate electronic music. 

we went for beers, and i didn't want to go through the awkward money thing, so i just paid for them. when i was annoyed i looked at my phone and said peace out. 

he so went in for a kiss i gave him the cheek.
he asked for a second date:i said "umm i am busy"

3)i went on a date with a "FrenchFryCanadian" we met for Sushi in the UES.
i was so nervous but played it cool. (money+older guy=feeling inadequate)
mid way through the date asked me to take off my glasses. and then said " you have a lovely decolletage"

he kept talking about how uptight Americans are about sex, and how happy that i am not a typical American girl. i decided it was time for me to leave, since he was suggesting i go back to his place. outside, he pins me to the side of the building and kisses me. 

this is what is going through my head:

"wow, this is not a good kiss-i wonder if i can make the path on time, will Q's still have drink specials? i need to get back seam stockings for my costume, did i pick up my dry cleaning? i should have not had that last sake, i need more boxes-i wonder if that guy i made out with at the BBQ will be at the party-i hope so, damn he was cute-what was his name?-i should have called him when i went to the Dali exhibit, ohh must look up the Dali movies, i hate how MOMA gets so packed-wonder what good off hours are" <-- all that took 20 seconds

i left, we never spoke again. he sent me lovely emails stating how much he loved spending time with me. i still am creeped out.

4)on a first date with an ex, we went to a lounge and had some drinks-it was so loud in the back upstairs room we could barely hear each other. and for a good 20mins a couple made out hardcore on a couch in front of us. i was at a loss for words.

5)i have had 3 different guys take me to the same "date trail":
Dinner at Spice (thai food) on University (it just moved) and dessert at Veniero's. on two of those first dates  i sat at the same table-same waiter. 

for the most part i like getting to know guys in more relaxed-not-like-an-interview dates.

and i hardly ever have a great first date story.


  1. CLASSIC LINE ---->came out he handed me a shot and said "my parents are on their way,

    "and i hardly ever have a great first date story." Honey you need to start dating these punk me you will have awesome first date stories!!!

    I went to barcade last night with a girlfriend of mine and her guy friend that was in a band. A few minutes later his bandmates showed up and I hit it off with well lets call him Sir D..haha. I think he played the bass. Anyway I spoke to him and 5 of his friends about music and had some bears and played some games. GREAT CONVO all around. We then hit up a diner at around 4am and to grab some grub. I made fun of him because he kept dipping his roast beef sandwich into globs of Mayo. My girlfriend says that he's shy. I'm like ugh another shy guy. I think i need to start making the first move from now on. Anyway this story will be continued....haha.

    SO yes Lali start dating some punks!!

  2. Guess we're not having dinner at Spice and dessert at Veniero' then, Lali.


I see you ;)