Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wed Update

So after 20 phone calls, text messages, and voice mails and a 6am phone call I have decided NOT to hang out with punk karaoke dude again. He's a nice guy but 20 phone calls automatically elevated him to stalker status.

In other news, I was approached by a very attractive african american gentleman caller with LL Cool J lips on my way to work. He came out of his ford mustang, and said that he's been seeing me on my route to work since last week. I thought to myself, great another stalker? He told me he goes to Pace law school and that he was heading out to California today to compete on a mock trial competition. I told him that I studied law at Oxford one summer and almost took my lsats. So we share that common interest. He also said that he lives in the city center in white plains, which is a really expensive place to live in. I gave him my number and we're going to hang out once he comes back to New York next week. I hope he doesn't mind that I have tattoos since he doesn't seem like the type that would be into them. I was dressed conservatively today with a black skirt,heels, black shirt, and leather jacket. We'll see.

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